Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Harsh Raj, Dr. S. Thanga Revathi, Shikhar Srivastava
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.52306
Certificate: View Certificate
With 200 million cases annually, malaria often claims more lives than crisis and deadly wars. Given the ineffectiveness of efforts to lower mortality rates, insufficient malaria diagnosis is one of the hurdles to a successful and efficient reduction in fatality. Hence, malaria is one of the major causes of deaths and diseases in many developing countries, where young children and prenatal mothers are the most impacted populations. The parasite called Plasmodium is the source for the potentially fatal disease named malaria. Highly trained and experienced microscopists observe minute blood smeared images to look for the parasite. Modern deep learning techniques could automate the completion of the required analysis. With the development of an independent, accurate, and useful model the demand for skilled staff can be significantly decreased. In this study, we offer a totally automated method and approach for the diagnosis and classification of malaria using microscopic blood-smeared pictures based on convolutional neural networks-(CNN).
Humans are bitten by female Anopheles mosquitoes containing Plasmodium parasites from protozoa, which attack and expand red blood cells, resulting in malaria. According to the WHO, more than 3.3 billion people around the world are at a huge risk of contracting malaria each year. According to a World Health Organisation survey, 91 nations recorded more than 217 million cases for the disease. The African region has the highest concentration of malaria cases worldwide, next trailed by South-eastern Asia and then the East Mediterranean region. Frequent malarial symptoms include high fever, exhaustion, headaches, body aches, and, in very severe cases, seizures along with coma, which all can be lethal if untreated quickly. Malaria is a deadly illness that can effectively be avoided and treated to control it. It is a disease that advances quickly once it has been contracted. In many emerging and developing-country populations, malaria is the leading cause of mortality, placing a major burden on our healthcare system. It is endemic in many of the different regions in the world, which implies that people there frequently contract the disease. Therefore, in order to save lives, early malaria diagnosis and treatment are crucial. We are inspired to improve malaria diagnostics' efficacy and timeliness in the future as a result.
Malaria cell images are collected from Kaggle. Kaggle obtained the dataset for the project from the official NIH website: https://ceb.nlm.nih.gov/repositories/malaria-datasets/.
The methods and steps for the project are as follows:
Assemble a database of images depicting malaria. Then Prior to the image pre-procession, split the dataset into training sets and validation sets, normalise the pixel values, and re-size the pictures to a fixed size (for example, 224x224).
2. Model Selection and Training
Choose CNN architectures such as VGG16 model, Resnet-50, and Inception for malaria classification. Initialize the pre-trained model with ImageNet weights. Train the models using the training set of malaria images for a fixed number of epochs with a chosen batch size.
3. Model Evaluation
Compute the training loss and the validation loss curves and also the accuracy curves for each model. Compare all the three models with the help of metrics like F1-score, recall, accuracy, and precision.
4. Modified VGG Hybrid Model
Create a modified VGG hybrid version by combining the features of VGG16 with other CNN architectures. Train the hybrid model using the same dataset and hyperparameters as the other models.
5. Model Comparison
Contrast the performance of the customized and modified VGG hybrid model with the other models. Determine which model has the highest accuracy and choose it as the final model.
6. Refer the below Diagrams
The VGG16 hybrid deep learning model is a model that combines a custom CNN architecture with a pre-trained VGG16 network. The model is designed for binary classification tasks, and is trained using image data.
The first part of the code sets up the data generators for training and testing. The ImageDataGenerator class is used to perform data augmentation, which helps prevent overfitting and improves generalization performance. Using the flow_from_directory method, the train and test data are loaded from a directory.
The main architecture of the model is defined using the Keras functional API. The input layer is defined to accept 224x224 RGB images. Convolutional layers with progressively more filters and max pooling layers in between are then added in a series. The use of batch normalization accelerates convergence and lessens overfitting. The output from each new convolutional layer is then combined with the output from the first three layers in a separate pool. The feature vector is created by concatenating the generated feature maps and then flattening them. Following a fully connected layer, this vector is passed through, and the output layer employs softmax activation to produce a probability distribution over the two classes. For the input photos, the pre-trained VGG16 network serves as a feature extractor. Concatenating the output of the VGG16 network with the output of the unique CNN architecture, and this concatenated output is passed through the fully-connected layer to perform classification.
The binary cross-entropy loss function and stochastic gradient descent optimizer are used to build the model. The ModelCheckpoint callback is used to track the model's training and testing accuracy throughout the course of 100 epochs of training. The model that is created can be kept and applied to new data to make predictions. Overall, this architecture is made for binary image classification problems and combines a bespoke CNN with a pre-trained VGG16 network. It is trained using stochastic gradient descent and enhances performance via batch normalization and data augmentation.
To compare with different models, we used a hybrid model that incorporates a convolutional neural network (CNN) and the VGG16 architecture.. The model first extracts feature from the photos using VGG16, and then classifies the images using CNN. Convolutional and max-pooling layers are then joined by fully connected layers in the CNN design. To avoid overfitting, the model additionally employs batch normalisation and dropout. The photos are divided into two categories by the last dense layer using the softmax activation function. To reduce the loss function, the model employs the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer. Using a binary loss of cross-entropy function, the algorithm is trained. On execution, we easily find that this model is more stable and has less validation and training loss when compared to other models. It is accurate and does not fluctuate in accuracy readings over epochs. This can be understood better with the following graphs for the comparison.
As we can see from the graphs below, there are initially fluctuations in the accuracy curve but a smooth curve is acquired as the model is trained through epochs. Finally, the graph becomes stable as training accuracy tends to 100 percent whereas testing accuracy touches 97.7 percent.
In Inception, the model does not show the progress as expected. Thea accuracy hovers around the 50 percent mark and there is a lot of instability and disturbance.
In resnet the model touches 90% mark in accuracy but it goes under many fluctuations and is unstable. Hence, we can conclude that Hybrid VGG16 Model is the most efficient and productive when compared to other models
Also, the saved model can be loaded to pass an input image through the model, and predict whether the image contains malaria or not. For example, taking random images from the above given dataset and feeding it to the model gives us the much-required classification of malaria. Some outputs obtained were:
Image cells for malaria classification -
The modified VGG16 model, which combines the layers of VGG16 and Inception, achieved the greatest performance among all the models assessed, it can be inferred from the analysis and findings. With reduced fluctuation and a more consistent accuracy curve during training, the model was able to reach high accuracy. The testing accuracy was 97% and the validation accuracy was 100%, which was superior to all other models considered. The performance of the models can be further improved by exploring more sophisticated techniques like transfer learning or fine-tuning of pre-trained models. To get even better outcomes, it may also be investigated to incorporate other sophisticated approaches as data augmentation, ensemble learning, and hyperparameter tweaking. Furthermore, the model can be deployed on various platforms for real-time diagnosis of malaria.
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Copyright © 2023 Harsh Raj, Dr. S. Thanga Revathi, Shikhar Srivastava . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET52306
Publish Date : 2023-05-15
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here